この文書はDr. Corran WebsterさんによるW Widgetsの"Template Document"を訳したものです。
訳の公開に快く承諾してくださったDr. Corran Websterさんに感謝いたします。


import W

import os
import macfs

class MyDocumentClass(W.Window):
	_untitledcounter = 1
        # Initialisation
        def __init__(self, path = ""):
                # get the title and data
                if not path:
                        self.title = "Untitled " + `MyDocumentClass._untitledcounter`
                        MyDocumentClass._untitledcounter = MyDocumentClass._untitledcounter + 1
                        text = ""
                elif os.path.exists(path):
                        path = macfs.ResolveAliasFile(path)[0].as_pathname()
                        dir, name = os.path.split(path)
                        self.title = name
                        f = open(path, "rb")
                        text = f.read()
                        # Might read from resource fork here
                self.path = path

                # Set up the window and widgets
                W.Window.__init__(self, (600, 400), self.title, minsize = (330, 120), tabbable = 0)
                self.editgroup.editor.changed = 0

        def setupwidgets(self, text):
                self.editgroup = W.Group((0, 0, 0, 0))
                editor = W.TextEditor((0, 0, -15,-15), text)

                self.editgroup._barx = W.Scrollbar((0, -15, -14, 16), editor.hscroll, max = 32767)
                self.editgroup._bary = W.Scrollbar((-15, 0, 16, -14), editor.vscroll, max = 32767)
                self.editgroup.editor = editor

        # Finalisation
        def close(self):
                # If things have changed, should we save before closing?
                if self.editgroup.editor.changed:
                        import EasyDialogs
                        import Qd
                        Qd.InitCursor() # XXX should be done by dialog
                        save = EasyDialogs.AskYesNoCancel('Save window %s before closing?' % self.title, 1)
                        if save > 0:
                                if self.domenu_save():
                                        return 1
                        elif save < 0:
                                return 1
        # Document Menu Items
        def domenu_close(self, *args):
                return self.close()

        def domenu_save(self, *args):
                if not self.path:
                        # Will call us recursively
                        return self.domenu_save_as()
                data = self.editgroup.editor.get()
                f = open(self.path, 'wb')
                import macostools
                self.editgroup.editor.changed = 0
        def can_save(self, menuitem):
                return self.editgroup.editor.changed or self.editgroup.editor.selchanged
        def domenu_save_as(self, *args):
                fss, ok = macfs.StandardPutFile('Save as:', self.title)
                if not ok: 
                        return 1
                self.path = fss.as_pathname()
                dir, name = os.path.split(self.path)
                self.title = name

何も大事なことはありません。一般的なメニューアイテムしか使わないし、メニューアイテムをPython IDEのメニューのように使うので、これをインポートしてドキュメントのインスタンスを作ることができます。